Knowledge is information or intimation of known or recognized by someone. Knowledge including, but not limited to the description, hypothesis, concepts, theories, principles and procedures that Bayesian probability is true or useful.
In another sense, knowledge is encountered and the various symptoms of human acquired through observation akal.Pengetahuan arises when a person uses his mind to recognize certain objects or events that have never seen or felt before. For example when someone tasting a new dish that he knew, he will gain knowledge about the shape, taste and aroma of these dishes.
Knowledge which emphasizes observation and sensory experience or empirical knowledge is known as a posteriori knowledge. This knowledge can be obtained by making observations and observations made empirically and rationally. Empirical knowledge can also be developed into descriptive knowledge if one can describe and illustrate all the characteristics, traits, and symptoms that existed at the empirical object. Empirical knowledge can also be obtained through personal experience that occurred repeatedly humans. For example, someone who is often chosen to lead the organization itself will gain knowledge of organizational management.
In addition to empirical knowledge, some knowledge gained through reason which later became known as rationalism. Rationalism emphasizes the character of a priori knowledge; no emphasis on experience. For example the knowledge of mathematics. In mathematics, the result of 1 + 1 = 2 is not obtained through experience or empirical observation, but through a logical reason.
Knowledge of health and illness is an experience of a person of good health and pain of someone that causes a person to act to overcome the problem of pain and act to preserve her health or even improve their health status. The pain will cause a person to act passive and or active with stage-step.
One's knowledge is influenced by several factors, including:
* Education
Education "is a process of changing attitudes and ethical behavior as well as a person or group of mature people through teaching and training efforts, then obviously we can kerucutkan an educational vision that is educating people.
* Media
Media that are specifically designed to reach a very wide community. So an example of the mass media is television, radio, newspapers, and magazines.
* Exposure informsi
understanding of information by Oxfoord Home Dictionary, is "that of Which one is apprised or Told: intelligence, news". Another dictionary states that information is something that can be known. But there is also emphasizing the information as knowledge transfer. In addition the term information also has other meanings as defined by the bill to mean the information technology as a technique to collect, prepare, store, manipulate, publish, analyze, and disseminate information with a specific purpose. While the information itself include data, text, images, sounds, codes, computer programs, databases. The big difference in the definition because the information is essentially information can not be described (intangible), while the information was encountered in everyday life, obtained from data and observations on the world around us and forwarded through the communication
Idea or an idea is a term used both in popular and in the field of philosophy with common sense "mental image" or "understanding". Especially Plato is thinking like this exponent.
The idea led to the emergence of the concept, which is the basis for all kinds of knowledge, both science and philosophy.
Now many people believe that the idea is an intellectual property such as copyright or patent.
In biology, a plant refers to organisms belonging to the Regnum Plantae. In it went all the most common organisms known as trees, shrubs, herb, grass, ferns, mosses, and a number of green algae. Carrying around 350,000 species of organisms including, excluding the green algae. Of that total, 258 650 species are flowering plants and 18 000 plant species of moss. Almost all members are autotrof plants, and derives its energy directly from sunlight through photosynthesis. Because the green color is very dominant on the members of this kingdom, another name used is Viridiplantae (green plants "). Other names are Metaphyta.